Welcome to use the (synchronous) version 4.1.2 of the
interactive multiobjective optimization system

WWW-NIMBUS is free for academic teaching and research purposes on condition that the following paper is appropriately cited:
Miettinen K., Mäkelä M.M. Synchronous Approach in Interactive Multiobjective Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research,Vol 170/3, pp. 909-922, 2006.

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WWW-NIMBUS is free for academic teaching and research purposes on condition that the following paper is appropriately cited: Miettinen K., Mäkelä M.M. Synchronous Approach in Interactive Multiobjective Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research,Vol 170/3, pp. 909-922, 2006. For further references, see Information about WWW-NIMBUS.
University of Jyväskylä
Department of Mathematical Information Technology
PO BOX 35 (Agora)
FIN-40014 University of Jyväskylä

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